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12 November 2006 - Hoole Hall Hotel, Chester
Over the past few years, many unexplained incidents have taken place at the hotel. In particular, the corridor outside the staff headquarters in the original part of the hotel appears to be the most active. Staff have heard unexplainable knocks upon on their doors and the sounds of children playing have been heard. It has also been suggested that a presence of a lady or young child have been sensed again within the old part of the hotel. We did have a few minor visual incidents during our vigil which took place around the entrance to the staircase and landing; nothing could be concluded on review of our video footage. There were also some reports of cold spots in the entrance area (behind staircase). A possible explanation could have been put down to the strong draught which was gathering in this area.

16 September 2006 - Ye Olde Mailcoach Inn, Conwy
There have been recent reports of activity in the flats above this public house. Objects have been mysteriously moved and doors have been heard opening and closing. Previous occupants where also said to have been woken up by unexplained bangs etc. Next door to the Inn is a bakery, where apparently some staff have had experiences of being touched when alone in the building. Unfortunately, there was nothing significant to report during our overnight investigation.

15 to 16 September 2006 - A Farmhouse in North Wales
We were contacted by ASSAP to investigate an intriguing case in North Wales whereby graffiti in the form of stains and carvings have been materialising on the walls, fireplace and other objects. The words are all Welsh and usually of a religious nature. Another common occurrence is that a large figurine of an owl moves of it's own accord, sometimes into another room! The owl is four feet high and weighs approximately 13 stone. A dark figure (supposedly a monk known as "Brother Doli") has been seen regularly. Unexplained sounds such as footsteps and chanting have been heard, and there have also been reports of temperature drops. The main focus was on the lounge so that is where we setup our equipment and spent most of our time during our weekend investigation. We also visited the nearby "miracle field" where allegedly the Virgin Mary materialised in front of passers-by back in 1996. The only incident to report from our investigation is that on the Saturday at 6:26pm, the owners pointed out two "new" stains had appeared on the lounge walls. "fel-droid" appeared behind the chair to the left of the fireplace, the nearest Welsh word to this is "pel-droed" meaning "football". "beibl" (meaning bible) appeared under the right side of the main window. Using photographic evidence, we can confirm that these stains did appear on the photo's taken shortly after our arrival on Saturday afternoon. They do not show in any photographs that were taken before our departure on late Friday evening. However, we do not have sufficient evidence to prove that the incidents were paranormal. Important to note that the stains became more apparent at dusk when lighting conditions were changing rapidly. In summary, whilst this was a really interesting case, we do have to question the authenticity of the phenomena.

19 August 2006 - Private Residence, Netherley
​We received a request for help from a concerned resident after she reported strange phenomena occurring at her three bedroom house in Liverpool. The lady had moved into the premises three years ago and it was 18 months later that unexplainable events started to occur. These incidents included various bangs, thuds and tapping throughout the house. Footsteps have been heard emanating from the master bedroom. A dark figure has been seen in various parts of the house. Cold spots have been experienced, particularly in the conservatory and the owner also reports the cold spots being on or around her right side. Also, the owner reports a sudden unexplainable weakness to her right arm. The Saturday before our investigation the family were so terrified that they fled to the owner's mother's house at 2am. Several family members have been witness to various incidents. Shortly after we arrived at the house the owner showed us some unusual photographs that she had taken, but unfortunately the quality was very poor and they had been taken with an inexpensive mini digital camera. During the setup of our equipment, we did experience some EMF fluctuations in the lounge, but as for the remainder of the vigil all was very quiet and there was nothing else significant to report. We have since kept in contact with the owner and things have been particularly quiet since our visit.

22 July 2006 - St Edith's Churchyard, Shocklach
A year since our first visit, we decided to hold another vigil at this isolated Churchyard in Cheshire. We had a number of incidents whereby members reported sightings of unexplainable lights. In particular, at 11:10pm approx, two investigators witnessed a blue "bobbing" light to the north west of the church, just past the dip of the cemetery. We immediately investigated this area but nothing could be found. We then tried to replicate the incident and more or less ruled out any flashlights being used by investigators; the incident remains unsolved.

24 June 2006 - Former Brassey Street School, Birkenhead
Our second visit of the year to this venue. Although the vigil was very quiet, a few members did report some unusual sounds/movement which appeared to come from the reception stairwell on the ground floor. The incidents were similar to events witnessed on a previous vigil held on 25 January 2003.

13 May 2006 - Private Residence, Marford
We were approached by the owner of a property in Marford and asked to carry out an investigation. Two separate witnesses claim to have seen a male figure in a brown polar-necked jumper in the front lounge. He has been seen leaning against the wall of the fireplace, standing by the table in the centre of the room and also by the front window looking out. Another figure has allegedly been seen in the attic, and a third witness claims to have felt a presence at the top of the staircase on the first floor. As far as we know, there have been no previous reports of paranormal activity at the house and it was only when major refurbishment commenced a few weeks ago that these incidents occurred. Refurbishment is still ongoing, so the timing for our vigil was perfect as it is noted in many cases that unusual events tend to occur during this period. Unfortunately, all was extremely quiet and even the normal building settling sounds failed to keep us awake! However, on review of our audio recordings, we picked up some unusual sounds whilst all members were located away from the premises. Whilst we suspect the cause was probably much more mundane, the event remains unexplained.

22 to 23 April 2006 - A Victorian House in Rock Ferry
We returned for a follow-up vigil, extending the event to midday on the Sunday due to activity being reported during the morning hours. It was Ghanon's longest running vigil to date with eight controlled sessions taking place over a period of sixteen hours. So surely something must have happened? Absolutely not! The vigil was very quiet and once again we left with nothing significant to report.

11 March 2006 - Former Brassey Street School, Birkenhead
After a year break, the group returned to their exclusive venue which marked the 65th anniversary since the fateful bomb raids on the area during World War II. There was only one incident to report from the vigil which occurred at 1:17am. A very distinctive knock/crack was heard possibly on an internal window in the ground floor corridor near Reception; a possible explanation could have been expansion or shrinkage due to temperature.

17 February 2006 - Woodchester Mansion, Gloucestershire
Hidden and secluded down a mile long dirt track, this gothic mansion looks like everything you would expect in a classic "haunted house". There have been many recent reports of both auditory and visual phenomena throughout the building, but as usual, our vigil was very quiet. We did however have one incident when one team member claims that he heard a voice followed by footsteps whilst changing tapes in the cellar at 4:28am.

21 January 2006 - The Hangars, Hooton Park
Used during both World Wars, it is said that the hangars and airfield are haunted by the ghost of a pilot who never returned from battle. A worker at a nearby factory claims that one night when he was driving down the road alongside the hangars, the pilot appeared in his car and then suddenly vanished. The sounds of a plane engine have been heard inside Hangar One and we actually witnessed this event during our vigil but on investigation the cause was found to be that of the auto flush system in the gents toilets - one mystery solved! The only other incident to report occurred just before the vigil began. All members of the group were located in a nearby portacabin when at 11:01pm, everyone heard the sound of an "engine running" which lasted for 3 to 4 seconds approx; the auto flush was not the source on this occasion.
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