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26 November 2010 - Office Block in Crewe
We held a follow-up vigil with only one minor incident to report. Three investigators heard ‘what sounded like’ footsteps or a ‘door knocking sound’ on the stairwell adjacent to the far room on the 8th floor. We immediately investigated the surrounding areas for possible causes. It wasn’t the security guard as he was found to still be located on the ground floor and replication of opening/closing nearby doors also proved not to be the source. The incident remains unexplained.

15 October 2010 - Office Block in Crewe
We were given an exclusive opportunity to be the first to investigate an office block in Crewe where there have been various reports of unexplainable sightings over recent years. The most common incident reported is that of a male in a tweed jacket, who has apparently been seen regularly on the 8th floor. Other sightings include a female ‘cloaked figure’ on the 5th floor and a ‘shadowy’ figure on the 4th floor. Four nights prior to our overnight investigation, we set up a voice-activated audio recorder on the 8th floor to get an idea of noise levels throughout the night. During this period, we had eight activations between the hours of 8.00pm & 1.00am (train noise) and three activations between 5.00am/9.00am. One was a train and the other two a police car. Thermometer recordings indicated that the temperature stayed consist between 23.0c and 23.4c. On the actual night of the investigation we had numerous incidents reported, most notably was that four people felt a temperature drop on the 8th floor (Grey Room) between 9:38pm and 9:42pm. Unfortunately there was no thermometer nearby to scientifically back up this evidence. Some investigators reported a ‘dragging’ sound above the 8th floor (Orange Room). However on further investigation, we checked the signing in book on Reception and discovered that a member of staff had come in to work on the 9th floor. One investigator reported feeling ‘uncomfortable’ during a couple of sessions and another reported seeing a figure but this was deemed to be of a rational explanation. On review of our CCTV footage, we did capture an anomalous light at 12:25am on the 5th floor. It only appears once throughout the whole night and the area was vacant at the time of the incident.

18 September 2010 - St Edith's Churchyard, Shocklach
St Edith's Churchyard, Shocklach : Almost four years since our last vigil here, we decided to re-visit this remote churchyard which this year celebrates it's 860th anniversary. There was nothing of significance to report.

17 July 2010 - Marston Moor, North Yorkshire
We took a number of guests to this location which we are now well familiar with. We have never had an event at this site that couldn't be explained, that was until now. Sometime shortly after midnight, we were all located in Wilstrop Wood when one of our guests clearly heard the sound of a horse 'neighing'. She described the sound as "crystal clear" so it was doubtful that this was caused by a horse in a nearby field. Also worth noting that the surrounding fields mainly contain crops and wheat etc, not animals. Could this have been the sound of one of the horses from the battle that took place back in 1644? There was one other incident whereby an investigator heard a "male voice mumbling" whilst walking past the burial pit towards the monument; this event took place at 11am approx the following morning.

21 May 2010 - Former Brassey Street School, Birkenhead
After eleven years and forty plus overnight vigils, this was to be our final overnight investigation at the school. The keys had just been passed over to the Demolition team and we very fortunate to be given exclusive access to the whole building. Only one incident to report on the night. At the start of session two at 10:50pm, all of the team were located in the upper room on the wing of the school when a couple of investigators reported seeing "a shadow pass under the door". The incident was investigated immediately and there was no known cause found. There was one other event whereby an investigator thought they may have seen a figure in the Reception area but after further discussion with other team members, we discovered it was one of our crew. Demolition work started shortly after our final investigation at what has been our most interesting venue to date. The school was finally brought to the ground in August 2010. We would personally like to thank the following for all of their kind help during the case: Adrian Marchbank & Chris Cockcroft (Egerton House), Joan McAuslane (Cavendish Enterprise Centre), Peter Johns & Geoff Boden (Wirral Borough Council).

6 March 2010 - Former Brassey Street School, Birkenhead
Equipment and investigators were deployed accordingly and session times ran similar to the last vigil in the hope that the female voice would return. We were doubtful it would, and we were right! The vigil was really quiet and there was nothing significant to report.

23 January 2010 - Former Brassey Street School, Birkenhead
After a six month break from investigating, we returned yet again to our exclusive venue in Birkenhead and we were not to be disappointed! At 8:09pm during the first session, two investigators heard a female voice call out 'hello'; the voice appeared to be coming from the toilet area on the ground floor. During the second session at 9.50pm (same location) the female voice was heard again calling out 'hello'; and this time it was witnessed by three investigators. Interesting to note, two of the investigators witnessed the same thing back in July 2007 at almost exactly the same time! Unfortunately, we didn't get any audio recordings of the events. We did 'sort of' replicate the incident by calling 'hello' through the bottom of the fire doors (from outside), but at five metres away the sound was deemed more distant. It is highly unlikely that someone was in the 'locked' grounds but we do not have proof that there wasn't.
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