Built in 1846, this Victorian terrace house has mostly been used as commercial premises since 1886; with lodging rooms above.
In the early 1920’s, the shop front extensions were added and are still present today.
The current owners bought the house in 2003 and embarked on major renovation of the shop and house area.
The house has four levels that consist of a basement, kitchen/back hallway, lounge/bathroom/main bedroom and two attic bedrooms.
The owners of the property were interviewed during October 2005. Paranormal activity has been reported throughout the house and shop and witnessed by various individuals. The owners have been informed by a medium that allegedly there are three spirits present; a postmistress called Sarah, the original landlord called Luke Lees and a lodger who was a Commodore.
Previous owners of the property and neighbours have also reported activity, particularly during periods of renovation. There have been two sightings of a Victorian gentleman in the basement/stairwell area by two separate witnesses; there are further reports of stones being thrown in this area.
In the shop front on the ground floor, keys have been moved, a clock has fallen off the wall for no apparent reason and staff have claimed to have felt a hand on the shoulder.
Footsteps have been heard along the ground floor corridor and down the stairwell to the basement. In the kitchen, there are more reports of stones being thrown and a figure seen running along the corridor and up the stairwell.
On the first floor, a figure of an Edwardian lady was sighted walking down the stairwell. In the lounge, two people witnessed movement in front of the fireplace which was described as a part-figure walking and then disappearing behind something. On the second floor, a mist had been witnessed in the front bedroom and feelings of unease in the back bedroom.
Saturday 19 November 2005 - Although most of the vigil was relatively quiet, some incidents were witnessed. The first took place between 10:35pm and 10:40pm when creaking/footstep-like sounds were heard in the basement/stairwell area. A camcorder placed on the floor above did not pickup any sounds so we are unsure to what the source was.
The most active period of the vigil was between 12:28am and 12:59am. Movement of floorboards on the landing area adjacent to the lounge was felt by one investigator on three separate occasions. It was noted during the site survey beforehand that this would occur if someone was walking in the lounge but obviously during the vigil, all attendees where seated, so this was not the case. The only other possible explanation is if the floorboards adjoin to the house next door. Other events witnessed during this session where at 12:38am when two attendees both saw something move quickly in the hall corridor, an “icy cold” feeling was noted in the same area four minutes later which may possibly have been caused by a nearby draught, although another investigator also had a similar experience at exactly the same time but in a different part of the house.
Weather: Misty. Average temperatures/humidity: Basement 15.0ºc/58%, Kitchen/corridor 17.4ºc/45%, 2nd Floor Landing 19.2ºc/44%, 3rd Floor Landing 19.3ºc/47%, External 1.3ºc.
Saturday 22 to Sunday 23 April 2006 - We returned for a follow-up vigil, extending the event to midday on the Sunday due to activity being reported during the morning hours.
It was Ghanon's longest running vigil to date with eight controlled sessions taking place over a period of sixteen hours. So surely something must have happened? Absolutely not! The vigil was very quiet and once again we left with nothing significant to report.
Weather: Night = Cloudy with occasional drizzle. Day = Sunny and clear. Average temperatures/humidity: Basement 14.2ºc/71%, Shop Front 16.9ºc/60%, Kitchen/corridor 16.9ºc/56%, 2nd Floor Landing 17.7ºc/56%, 3rd Floor Landing 17.1ºc/60%, External (Night=11.1ºc, Day=18.5ºc).
The owners have now moved out of the property so no further investigations are scheduled.