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20 October 2007 - Former Brassey Street School, Birkenhead
A change from the normal vigil schedule, it was decided to have a night based on experiments and theories. We carried out an infrasound experiment, and to keep an open mind we did a 'scrying' exercise (following up from a recent experience at Plas Teg); we also tested out our new backup CCTV system which now extends our collection to three separate systems.

29 September 2007 - Plas Teg, Pontyblyddyn
We followed up our investigation on the Wrexham/Mold Road with a vigil at Plas Teg. The investigation was run by another paranormal group (there wasn't enough of our own investigators or cash to meet the minimum requirement!) It was a little less scientific than we expected and there were far too many incidents to report mainly due to suggestion, hysteria, etc. Amidst the hype, there were some interesting experiences worthy of noting. One member reported having their 'hair touched / played with' in the Panelled Room and many reported the room 'getting colder'. However, there was a definite draught in this room so it was highly likely that this was a probable cause. One of our members were witness to an interesting 'scrying' session in the Crib Room whereby the subject appeared to stoop, as well as change to their facial features. A possible explanation for this could be that this phenomenon is almost the same as that of the more commonly known 'magic eye' pictures. Throughout the night, some members came up with identical names which was probably the most fantastic bit of telepathy, or more likely just a coincidence. An interesting night but disappointing that we didn't get to investigate more areas within the building. Ideally, we would have liked to have been given the opportunity to try and replicate the incident we had in the Indian Bedroom on our previous vigil back in 2004.

8 September 2007 - The Hangars, Hooton Park
Our third visit to this former aircraft hangar site. On this occasion, we investigated both Hangars 1 and 2 but unfortunately the vigil was very quiet with not one single incident to report.

31 August 2007 - Wrexham/Mold Road, Pontyblyddyn
We first investigated the A541 dual carriageway almost four years ago. The hotspot in particular is situated outside one of North Wales' alleged most haunted houses, Plas Teg near Mold. There have been many "single car" traffic accidents along this stretch of road whereby motorists have reported seeing white misty shapes, causing them to brake or swerve; the road is also said to be patrolled by phantom horsemen, normally seen at dusk during the months of September and October. There are many signposts along this stretch of road which reflect car headlights in various directions which could explain these white misty shapes. However, we drove along the carriageway many times but could not replicate this. That is not to say that under certain environmental conditions and/or positioning of passing vehicles, this could actually be the cause.

28 July 2007 - Former Brassey Street School, Birkenhead
Only one incident to report from an otherwise quiet vigil. At 9:50pm, all of the investigators where located in the ground floor corridor near to the reception area when two members heard very clearly, a female voice say "hello". We tried several ways of replicating the event but without success.

9 June 2007 - Old House Museum, Bakewell
There have been several reported incidents at this 16th century museum which was the venue for an investigation run by another paranormal group. The group were very friendly and the vigil itself was well organised, but unfortunately, it was all too similar to a popular paranormal programme. There was only one incident to report which occurred on the first floor. Towards the end of the investigation, an unexplained mark (about 30cm) had appeared (at head height) on one of the glass display cabinets. Members of the paranormal group were ascertain that it wasn't there earlier. However, one of our group members had taken a photograph in the area earlier on which clearly shows that the mark "was" there beforehand.

19 May 2007 - The Hangars, Hooton Park
We returned to this venue for a follow-up investigation where we focused on Hangar One and the Compressor Room. The vigil was very quiet with only one incident worthy of mentioning. At 12:57am, two investigators heard a sound similar to heel-like footsteps emanating from the centre of Hangar One. The Hangar is prone to a lot of "building settling" noise so it is quite possible that this was the cause.

25 March 2007 - Former Brassey Street School, Birkenhead
Several incidents took place during a daytime vigil at the former school. A metallic 'dink' sound was heard in the cellar (as if a nail had been thrown at the generator). Maybe the generator itself produced this sound? When the generator re-started, we then waited a while but it failed to replicate the sound that was originally heard. A rattling of doors was heard in the ground floor corridor. Measurement of external wind was over 9mph so it was quite possible that this was the cause. In the cellar again, a 'sniff' was heard at what appeared to be at close range. However we managed to replicate this event by confirming that it was most probably someone walking past the building outside. The final incident was probably the most intriguing. Whilst packing away in the first floor corridor at 10:33pm, a groan/voice accompanied by what sounded like a chair being scraped along the floor was heard by two investigators. At the same time, one other investigator heard a voice call out in an urgent manner. Overall, quite a busy vigil, although the majority of events may just have been of natural causes.

3 March 2007 - Castell Dinas Bran, Llangollen
The group decided to take a break from "normal" investigations to watch the Total Lunar Eclipse, an event that was planned almost three years ago! After a brief visit to Valle Crucis Abbey, we then ventured on a very tiresome two hour walk to the top of Dinas Bran. There we witnessed what has been described as the best Total Lunar Eclipse in the UK for fifteen years! And although this event was a break from the norm, one investigator did have an unusual experience on a path just off Dinas Bran. He heard a male voice call out behind him, the words were a little unclear but sounded similar to "come 'ere".

26 January 2007 - St Edith's Churchyard, Shocklach
After the "bobbing light" incident at our previous vigil here, we decided to re-visit and investigate further. Some of the gravestones in the area of the sighting did reflect light more than others and we managed to replicate the event quite easily. However, the investigators whom originally witnessed the event were not present to confirm that this was what they had seen. There was a slight possibility that a couple of investigators where subject to a time slip (which is known to occur here). But with no scientific evidence, this can only be put down as a personal experience. And finally, on review of one of our recordings, sounds similar to breathing and the words "hallelujah" can be heard although these may just have been misinterpreted as it was quite windy. So, nothing to report of major significance but it was another eventful vigil at an otherwise quiet and remote churchyard!

12 January 2007 - Private Residence, Waterloo, Liverpool
Since moving into the property a couple of years ago, the residents of the house (and interestingly, also neighbours in the adjoining terraces) have noticed an increasing number of unexplainable incidents. After the owners requested the services of a 'medium' they were advised that there are four 'presences' at the property. The reported phenomena have centered around electrical items, the moving of children's toys and even a great deal of tidying up! Other incidents have included an imprint suddenly appear on a leather chair as though someone had sat down on it, the sound of loud exhalations and footsteps. Only recently those living in the house have begun to see apparitions of children. We did not experience anything of any significance during the vigil.
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